Following a successful 2008 season, the Webcor/AltoVelo racing team is expanding its Elite Amateur Men's team for the upcoming 2009 season. The core of last year's Pro/1/2 team remains intact, and will be bolstered by additions to the roster.
For the 2009 season, the Elite Amateur Men's team will be divided into a National-level "NRC Squad" that will be focused on larger National Racing Calendar (NRC) events all around the United States. Another part of the team will be the "Regional Squad" that will focus on rider development and in-district racing.
The roster for the "NRC Squad" for 2009 will consist of returning riders James Badia, Fabrice Dubost, Rob MacNeill, Rand Miller and Ryan Prsha. They will be joined by new additions Brian Bucholz (from Kelly Benefit Strategies Pro), Justin Fraga (from BPG/Montano Velo) and Ryan Parnes (from Metromint).Roster and Photos coming soon!
In addition, we will soon be uploading all race reports to this site.